Comments on: New crackdown on landlords ‘must involve letting agents’ – claim The essential site for residential agents Sun, 17 Mar 2024 11:45:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: <span class="full-name">Andrew Stanton</span> <span class="agency"> CEO Proptech-PR Real Estate Influencer & Journalist</span> Andrew Stanton CEO Proptech-PR Real Estate Influencer & Journalist]]> Sun, 17 Mar 2024 11:45:52 +0000 When are they launching the Good Tenant Charter? The one that says tenants will look after the fabric of the property asset (not fair wear and tear). All licensing does is add another layer of red tape, another charge levy and you guessed it – rents get to increase yet again. Rents are high as supply of property is low in the PRS and the local authority ecosystem too. Selling off local authority housing might have won Margarate Thatcher an election, but 37 years later … what a surprise there is not enough housing stock.

Maybe ban the sale of local authority property in the UK … not an election winner but it would help. Each council asset sold off costs 40% more to replace, sell off a propery at 200K it costs 280K to build a new one, no wonder so many councils have gone bust.
